Administrative Demotions


An administrative demotion is a tool for commanders to use to maintain a quality force.

Prior to the demotion, the commander must notify the member in writing of his/her intention to demote, citing the details of the reason(s) for the action. The member must be given an opportunity to consult with legal counsel and respond to the allegations.

The basis for the demotion must have occurred in the current enlistment unless the commander was not aware of the facts and circumstances until the current enlistment.

Once the commander considers all of the information and the member's military record, the commander forwards the recommendation to the demotion authority for final action. 

Reasons for demotion include:

  • Termination of temporary duty status of members attending technical training

  • Failure to maintain or attain the appropriate skill/grade level

  • Failure to fulfill Noncommissioned Officer responsibilities

  • Failure to maintain fitness standards

  • Failure to participate in required reserve training